
Open-world Vol-01 : Forest

Landscape tools will help automatically create cliffs and distribute grass, while runtime virtual textures

will color the grass appropriately. Foliage Types are prepared to start painting immediately. All assets and materials are designed for flexible customization to fit your needs. 

Important! The grass material uses virtual texture! Go to the project settings and make the virtual texture available

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Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

Number of Unique Meshes: 53

Collision: (Yes Auto)

Vertex Count: Varied (Min30 – Max 8544)

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 30

Number of Textures: 37

Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Important/Additional Notes: Important! The grass material uses virtual texture! Go to the project settings and make the virtual texture available

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3