Flying Beasts Mega Bundle
In addition, you can buy each of the characters separately on my store page or by clicking on the character’s name
Based on RK Skeleton.
All assets available in this and other packs and based on the RK Skeleton are compatible and interchangeable. You can rearrange body parts, add new ones – wings, tentacles, bodies, heads, tails, arms, armor, accessories, add additional animations.
Shadowhowl Model and Animations Preview
Unreal Engine Scene and Animations Preview
Nightshade Model and Animations Preview
Unreal Engine Scene and Animations Preview
Mistweaver Model and Animations Preview
Unreal Engine Scene and Animations Preview
Ghostwing Model and Animations Preview
Unreal Engine Scene and Animations Preview
Embermoon Model and Animations Preview
Unreal Engine Scene and Animations Preview
Bloodmoon Model and Animations Preview
Unreal Engine Scene and Animations Preview
111 Animations
81 Biped Animations
(Idle: 6, Walk: 11, Run: 10, Jump: 10, Attack: 15, GetHit: 15, Move: 8, Death: 3, Scream: 4)
+ 30 Flying Animations
(Move: 16, Attack: 5, GetHit:4, Idle:2, Death: 1 Shock: 1, Confuse: 1 )
All characters fits perfectly with this type of armor and accessories. No fitting is required. Works with all animations:
Overview how to apply the armor to RKSkeleton character You can see Here
RK Skeleton Overview You can see Here
Character variant without wings: Beasts Mega Bundle (includes four-legged animations)
Other RK Characters:
Gloomfang, Venomclaw, Moonshadow, Serpens, Ashenhorn
real-time support:
Technical Details
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to RK Skeleton (All Assets Work Without Retargeting)
Number of Animations: 111
81 Biped Animations
(Idle: 6, Walk: 11, Run: 10, Jump: 10, Attack: 15, GetHit: 15, Move: 8, Death: 3, Scream: 4)
+ 30 Flying Animations
(Move: 16, Attack: 5, GetHit:4, Idle:2, Death: 1 Shock: 1, Confuse: 1 )
Vertex counts of characters: (With fur, armor, weapons)
Shadowhowl – 44 021
Nightshade – 40 053
Mistweaver – 38 448
Ghostwing – 38 978
Embermoon – 39 157
Bloodmoon – 43768
Number of Materials (Material Instances):
Shadowhowl – 11 (90)
Nightshade – 11 (89)
Mistweaver – 11 (89)
Ghostwing – 11 (89)
Embermoon – 11 (89)
Bloodmoon – 11 (95)
Texture Resolutions: (All 4096)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Supported Engine Versions
4.22 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3