No knowledge or trouble getting online for your game?, then you come to the right place, with JoiningReallyWork u have everything including host and a simple join button at your finger tips; commented out for each codes, no recasting; 1 CE is all u need ( Run On Owning Client ) for each
this work locally and non – local so joining across states line for example/ countries etc. is possible!
Note: If u need a refund, help or anything related to the product ( Only)
feel free to contact me thru discord —
Demo video can be found here
Technical Details
(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Number of Blueprints: 5
Input: (If any, please include which methods of input are reconfigured (Game pad, Keyboard, Mouse… etc.))
Network Replicated: (Yes/No) YES
Supported Development Platforms: 5. 3
Windows: (Yes/No) YES
Mac: (Yes/No) NO
Important/Additional Notes: easy to migrate/ or to understand
Supported Engine Versions