Deeply customizable appearance and good mesh optimization. For version 5.0+ Chaos Vehicle (ChaosVehiclesPlugin).
Very high definition Generic Future car model with detailed interior fully textured. Headlights and tail lights are modelled with classic doors. The model includes detailed modelled tires, rims, engine and suspension elements.
The base version of the model which is not smoothed has of 468 559 polygons.
The model is ready for animation. The example shows how the model is used in the current project.
Model includes albedo, metallic, normal, roughness and UV maps.
The RIG and gameplay scene doesn`t included.
Texture resolution: 4096х4096 Including FBX and OBJ formats
The model has:
You can use it easily in your games.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 1
Acceleration (W & S)
Steering R/L (D & A)
Handbrake (Space Bar)
Number of characters: 1
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 26 masters + 54 instances
Number of Material Slots: 20
Number of Textures: 370
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.3