vrbn studios assets

Our Swiss Made assets provide simple, drag-and-drop, high quality models for use in large urban environments.

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·      Our assets are made to be consistent and compatible with each other.

·      Content ships as native file formats per platform (per tool).


·      Production units: [cm]

·      Production geo. coord. system: Left-handed (DirectX), yUp

·      LODs: 4



·      Textures: PBR: metal / roughness; up to 8k/atlases; optimized

·      Channels: albedo, emission, metal, roughness, normal, opacity, alpha, geometry-AO, material-AO

·      Texel density: ~200 tx/m

·      Merged grayscale textures into RGBA TGA.

·      Normals: Tangent space, left handed (DirectX)

·      File format: TGA, 8bit, RGB, RGBA

·      Interpreted color space: sRGB: albedo/emission. Linear: metal, roughness, normal, opacity, alpha, geometry-AO, material-AO

·      vrbn studios based naming convention


·      All our 3D content is manually tested. If you find anything out of order or you have questions, please contact us*.


·      Supported Unreal versions: 4.27.2+

·      Supported rendering paths: Deferred and Forward

·      Ray tracing is currently not supported. Contact us for details. *

·      Unreal 5.x is currently not supported. We’re working on it.

·      Each asset consists of 4 optimized LOD meshes, incl. setup.

·      The assets ship with a collision mesh.

·      Materials are instanced for better performance.

·      Draw call optimized by using texture atlases.

·      Asset Blueprint location: Content/vrbn_studios/<production_name>/<country>/Assets/Blueprints

·      Emission intensity: Inside the asset’s blueprint there is an emission intensity value that allows you to alter the emission intensity in real-time. Each asset instance will have its own emission intensity value, meaning you can adjust each instance with different emission values.



·      General inquiries: studios@vrbn.io (24 hours reaction time, Mo-Fr)

·      Technical support: support@vrbn.io (24 hours reaction time, Mo-Fr)

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 10

Collision: Yes, custom and some automatically generated

Vertex Count: 8 – 2332

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 35

Number of Textures: 134

Texture Resolutions: from 2048×2048 to 4096×4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Important/Additional Notes: find out more on our website: https://vrbn.io/

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3