Documentation | Tutorial video | Tutorial video (Ultra Dynamic Sky)
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Add a temperature system to your project, this asset allows you to set up a complete and easy temperature system, the system give you the control of the temperature with volume and you have a lot of variation like world, sunlight, world time, etc….
The temperature system affects the temperature of any actor that contains the temperature component, temperature volumes are fully customizable and you can overlap different volumes for more diverse conditions in your world, this asset comes with a day and night system to demonstrate how you can use the Temperature component to simulate temperature changes for different times of day (the day and night system is fully functional and can be easily improved).
The asset has a solar temperature system and applies a temperature when the player is exposed to direct sunlight, the day & night and direct sunlight temperatures can be easily configured with the world volume.
Easy to use and completely customizable, this asset is documented with comments and fully functional, the Temperature System is ready to be integrated into a game.
100% blueprint, no c++.
Technical Details
Network Replicated: Yes
Keep in mind that support has its limits, we can help and guide you to use the asset, read and verify that the asset is what you are looking for.
Supported Engine Versions
4.19 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3