You can follow the links below to watch videos with models and go to the pages with a full description of each model.
Before buying, read the technical details and watch the pages and videos for full information.
Technical Details
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (Yes)
Number of Animations:
Demon Character 4 25
Demon Character 5 25
Demon Character 6 25
Faceless Demon 2 25
Fat Demon 2 25
Faceless Demon 3 25
Faceless Demon 4 25
High Demon 3 25
High Demon 4 25
Night Demon 2 27
Number of characters: 10
Vertex counts of characters:
Demon Character 4 8382
Demon Character 5 9878
Demon Character 6 10115
Faceless Demon 2 11462
Faceless Demon 3 6902
Faceless Demon 4 5707
Fat Demon 2 13559
High Demon 3 8703
High Demon 4 11181
Night Demon 2 7920
Number of Materials and Material Instances:
Each character has 3 materials
Number of Textures:
Texture Resolutions: (All 4096)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: No
Important/Additional Notes: Extra bones – please, watch the pages.
Supported Engine Versions
4.19 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3