Elias Wick – Screen Effects

Elias Wick – Screen Effects is a versatile collection of six unique post process materials designed to effortlessly add common visual effects to your screen in Unreal Engine.

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Elias Wick – Screen Effects is an assortment of customizable visual effects that can be applied directly to your screen through a camera or post process volume. With six unique post process materials and a wide range of customizable parameters, the collection offers you the perfect amount of versatility.

All effects have been optimized to ensure smooth and efficient performance on a wide range of hardware, making it the ideal choice for various systems and project types. Furthermore, you can find videos below that showcase each effect, providing a comprehensive demonstration of its parameters.

Disclaimer: The environment shown in the images is not included.

Shader information, parameters and showcase video:

– Tutorial

– Bloom

– Chromatic Aberration

– Gamma

– Invert

– Posterize

– Sepia

Technical Details

Number of Unique Materials: 6

Number of Material Instances: 6

Supported Platforms: Windows (32-bit & 64-bit), Linux, MacOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch


Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3