FPS Starter Kit

First-Person Shooter Starter Kit

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Here is a first-person shooter starter kit with features such as:

-two types of weapons (single shots and automatic)

-enemies are randomly blown to pieces (with some probability)

-system for saving character and game parameters (enemies you have already killed will not reappear, and loot you have picked up will also not reappear and also health, armor, ammo, location in the world, etc.)

-AI enemies – who patrol, hear and see you

-dash system that allows you to make lightning dashes

-cool sounds effects

Video: https://youtu.be/wRpIyKNc25s

Included in the Shooter Bundle

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 13

Input: Keyboard, Mouse.

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: Link

Supported Engine Versions

5.2 – 5.3