Spline Based Blocking and Trigger Volume (SBBTV) is a versatile system designed to simplify the task of zoning out your scenes and levels. Unreal’s standard blocking volumes are limited to trapezoidal meshes and the trigger system is similarly limited to capsules, spheres and boxes. With SBBTV you can build zones in any shape and size using the engines spline system. Not only can this save you time, but it is also significantly less tedious and finicky than the standard methods mentioned above. It also gives you more precise control over just where the player can and cannot go, and where they have to be to trigger events in your game. Additionally, using splines means that this is a non-destructive workflow that can easily be altered at any point in development!
Check out the product overview video
Videos covering updates: Update 1 | Update 2
Here’s a brief performance demonstration video comparing the performance of Unreal Engine’s blocking volumes with two implementations of SBBTV. Check the video description for a downloadable version of the demo to test it out yourself!
On release, SBBTV comes standard with the following
All blueprints are cleanly laid out, easy to read and well commented, and a detailed, publicly accessible documentation wiki ensures you will never be left confused. Discord support is also available and there’s absolutely no need to leave a comment or review on the marketplace page to access either!
(Orbital Market is a fast search engine for the Unreal marketplace)
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 4
Supported Development Platforms: Windows (should work on other platforms, only tested/supported on Windows)
Documentation: Spline Based Blocking and Trigger Volume Wiki
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.3