HB Mech

A Mech of my own design with Blueprints adding all basic functionality.

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A Mech of my own design. Includes Blueprints for the Player Pawn and Weapons as required to have a basic functional character with functioning weapons systems. Materials include custom paint or decal layers or both. Includes a template you can export for painting. All basic animations are included. Mostly animations are achieved with blending poses, but walking and running are fully animated. Also includes the Animation Blueprint and Physics Asset. Some simple particle effects are included for the weapons and various effects.

(Demo Video)

Technical Details

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: No

Animated: Yes

Number of Animations: 2 animations – 6 poses

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): Root Motion is included but for my setup I forced In-Place

Number of characters: 1

Vertex counts of characters:

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 11 Materials – 15 Instances

Number of Textures: 22 (+1 template for painting)

Texture Resolutions:

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Supported Engine Versions

4.20 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3