Stylized Hand-Painted Foliage Trees: oak, bamboo, willow, ivy, reeds, flowers

Hand-painted stylized oak bamboo willow and pine trees and plants for fantasy environment

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This stylized foliage pack consists of different hand-painted cartoon trees and plants: 4 types of oaks, bamboo, pine tree, willow and two variants of dead trees. Also you can find here different grassy plants: reeds, bush, leafy plant, grass, 3 variants of flowers and 3 mushrooms.

All meshes are optimized and have “simple wind” material instances for leafy part. Wingtexture animation can be turned off.

Please contact me if you have any questions:

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 23

Collision: Yes for trees

LODs: Yes for all props

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 and 19

Number of Textures: 58

Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions) 2k and 4k

Supported Development Platforms: all


Biggest Oak

Big Oak

Medium Oak

Young Oak (all oaks have different variations of crown color: green, yellow, red and brown)

Bush Oak



Pine Tree

Dead Tree 1

Dead Tree 2


Ivy (growing and hanging)

Leafy bush

3 types of mushrooms

3 types of flower

3 types of grass

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3