Marble and forged outdoor elements asset pack.
Balustrades, benches, forged fences, lamps with forged elements, streetlights and tables.
I made 30 Blueprints with static meshes, so it makes your work easier and faster.
Master material and several textures included.
Some single meshes has a few different layers, so you can use a few different materials to make this element more interesting. Jump inside and aply your own materils.
Technical Details
Collision: Yes
LODs: No
Number of Unique Meshes: 66 total
15 (Balustrades), 7 (Benches), 9 (Fences), 18 (Lamps), 8 (Streetlights), 9 (Tables)
Number of Materials: 9 simple materials
Number of Master Materials: 1
Material Instances: 12
Material Functions: 3
Number of Textures: 37
Number of Blueprints: 30
Texture Resolutions: 2k/4k
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Supported Engine Versions
5.1 – 5.3