Props for Roads

Collection of props for placing around roads or racetracks

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This is a collection of props I’ve gathered from a few of my projects

You can find

Props include auto convex collisions, simple materials and textures with named parameters, 4k textures

Assets were made with modularity in mind, such as fences and signs (for SplineMeshes)

Multiple levels of LOD

Download the packaged game and look around

You can find StreetLight, StreetLightWall, SidewalkPosts, CeilingLights in my pack HongKongDust

You can find StickFence assets, NoDrifting and CarSmash signs in my upcomming pack DriftIsland (not out yet)

You can find Railing and DoubleRailing, ElectricityTower, MetalFence, JapaneseFence, JapaneseSigns, WindyRoad, CurvyRoad, STOP signs and SignPost, RoadMirror, TrafficCone, ConcreteBarrier and ConcreteBarrierFence in my pack JapaneseDriftRoadTrackPack

Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

Number of Unique Meshes: 9 assets are unique to this pack (not including variations) and 36 of the assets (not including variations) can be found amongst my other packs Japanese Drift Road Track Pack, Hong Kong Dust and Drift Island (not out yet)

Collision: (Yes, auto simple convex)

Vertex Count: Mid-Poly

LODs: (Yes)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 17

Number of Textures: 29

Texture Resolutions: 4k

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (No)

Documentation: No need

Important/Additional Notes: If you notice anything weird, report and I will update, thanks

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3