Building System – (Save & Load Game)

Building System is a complete base project that will enable you to develop your own “Building System”

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Overview Video

How to add custom shape models

How to add new paint brush colours

Develop a project based all around creativity and expression!

Building System will give you the basics needed to create your own building game. This includes the use of multiple tools: Move, Rotate, Colour, Duplicate, Shift, Delete, Place and Change Shape.

By pressing “Tab” you can switch between build and place mode. Build mode gives access to the tools mentioned above and place mode will allow you to place lights. This functionality can be extended upon allowing you add different block shapes or place functional pieces like lights.

Anything you build is saved with a fully set up save and load system.

Building System lays the ground work for you to develop the creativity project of your dreams.

Technical Details

This product comes with 11 blueprint classes, 8 blueprint widgets, 1 enum, 2 textures, 5 materials and 18 material instances along with a demo level.

Please ensure the correct game instance is being used in project settings “BP_BSGameInstance”

Input: Keyboard & Mouse / Gamepad

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.2