Very realistic trees for your Architectural visualization.
All assets are high-res Nanite meshes with Vertex Count up to 5-10 million.
Layered Trunk materials for blending top and bottom Trunk Textures and Moss..
Snow function.
Snow Amount can be controlled via MPC control.
Simple wind for nice movement in these heavy trees.
For Cinematic and Visualization.. This is not optimised for games !!!!
The screenshots are realtime running on an RTX 3090 Card and a high spec PC with 64G ram.
The grass/Rocks in the cinematic clip and pictures are from Quixel Megascans
and is not included.. They are free to download for all user of Unreal Engine..
Default RHI is set to DirectX 12 and SM6 in D3D12 Targeted Shader Formats is enabled.
Technical Details
Collision: Yes (Simple)
Vertex Count: 627 000 – 10 164 635 -This can be reduced in the Nanite Settings.
LODs: None (Nanite fallback)
Number of Unique Meshes: 28
Number of Materials: 2
Material Instances: 111
Number of Textures: 26
Texture Resolutions: 1K to 8K..Can be scaled down for better performance.
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: (Untested)
Documentation: No.
Important/Additional Notes: This pack is for Cinematic and Visualization..
Supported Engine Versions
5.1 – 5.3