In Unreal Engine, we can change variables container (Single, Array, Set, Map) and the variable have relative functions and operations according to this. But it’s impossible to set an Matrix container type.
But, a Matrix (or also says 2D Array) is very useful in many domains :
Pocedural, World/Dungeon Generation, Voxel, massive Data, Statistics, Wave Function Collapse etc…
You can Import / Export (Save / Load) Matrices from your computer with JSON file !*
Technical Details
Mathematical Matrix logic
Supported (Save / Load) matrix :
Number of Blueprints: ~12
Network Replicated: YES
Supported Development Platforms:
Documentation: You just need to know the concept of a matrix, the functions of the asset are quite explicit 🙂
Important/Additional Notes:
* Use JsonBlueprintUtilities (Epic Games Plugin)
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.3