Stylized Japanese Assets

20 stylized Japanese props

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A pack of stylized models and materials based on references from a range of Japanese Shinto and Buddhist shrines and temples.

The garden environment seen in the images is from a group project. Only certain assets are included in this asset pack. Notable exclusions that are NOT INCLUDED are:

All included content is my own. Feel free to use the assets in your own projects, I only ask for credit.

Technical Details

Includes 20 Unique Models:

LODs: Included. If black shading appears on models, try disabling Nanite (if enabled).

Number of Materials: 16

Number of Textures: 39

Texture Resolutions: 1024, 2048 & 4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Others: Not tested

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.1