This project comes with 6 hand flare blueprint actors and an enchant animation.
Each hand flare actor inherits from a common parent bp and implementing a common interface.
It includes 6 meshes and 13 visual effects.
You can customize the color and the duration.
Technical Details
Number of Niagara systems: 14
Number of Blueprints: 7
Number of Unique Meshes: 6
Network Replicated: No – Replicate ready
LODs: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Set the individual visual spark effect (Niagara system) on “BurstFX” in the blueprint actor.
Call the “enchant” event of the interface.
For enabling light that affects the world in UE5:
Go to the niagara system and enable “Epic” and “Cinematic” scalability in
the “Light Renderer”.
Setup actor properties:
Enchant on spawn: Hand flare effect will be enchanted when actor spawned.
Duration: Duration of the hand flare effect (0 = infinite).
Spark color: Color of the hand flare effect (Use rgb values in range of 0-10).
Has physics: Sets physics for hand flare actor.
Destroy duration after finished: The duration after the actor will be destroyed when finishing the flare effect.
Colored Smoke : Enable / disable colored smoke.
Important/Additional Notes:
The hand flare actor and the animation are separated in this project.
For combining them you have to attach the actor yourself.
Partner store:
Supported Engine Versions
4.27, 5.1 – 5.3