LevelController2 (Transform Levels At Runtime In Realtime)

This UE C++ plugin lets you could transform UE Levels(Maps) at Runtime in Realtime.

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Preview: Video Demo of “LevelController (Transform Levels At Runtime In Realtime)” UE Plugin

This plugin makes it possible for you to transform UE Levels (Maps) at Runtime in Realtime.

What you need to do is to call the blueprint functions of our plugin.

NOTE: the free version is “LevelController1“(https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/levelcontroller-transform-levels-at-runtime-in-realtime)

Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 1.

Number of C++ Classes: 4.

Network Replicated: No.

Supported Development Platforms: Windows (x64), Mac.

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows (x86, x84), Mac, iOS, Android, HTML5.

Documentation: https://gitlab.com/UE4MarketplaceSubmission_Public/LevelController_Public

Example Project: https://gitlab.com/UE4MarketplaceSubmission_Public/LevelController_Public

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3