Gins Mask Pack + a little extra

5 High Quality Masks perfect to add some flair to any game 🙂 Each masks has 3 Texture Variations!

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Hey there…. Ever needed some affordable high quality Masks??? Dont look any further ;P

Here you have 5 High Quality Masks perfect to add some flair to any game 🙂 Each masks has 3 Variations!

Suitable to any game but especially if you have some Ninja/Samurai or plain Japanese or Cyberpunk themed game 🙂

3 Texture Variations Each: 1 Plain Textured and 2 with more detailed Ornaments

All Textures are 4K, Probably overkill but it leaves you the option and you can downscale them later yourself if needed 🙂

all Materials are Instanced from One Master Material so you can easely change them or integrate into your Material Workflow in one fell swoop.

PLUS: As a little extra some assets of japanese castle walls, Doors and signs and torigate and a lantern… just because 🙂

Please Enjoy 🙂

Technical Details

5 High Quality Masks with alot of Variations plsu some japanese themed assets

Number of Unique Meshes: 5 Mask Meshes+ 21 Japanese Themed Environment Meshes

Vertex Count:

-Masks: 3-7K

-Japanese themed: 20-70k (made to use with nanite)

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

-Masks: 1 Master Material / 3 Material Versions per Mask / Total: 15

-Japanese themed: 3 Master Materials / 20 Material Instances / Total:23

Number of Textures:

-Masks: 45

-Japanese themed: 92

Texture Resolutions: all 4k Textures

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3