Easy to use drag and drop style teleporters with a simple yet dynamic teleport component that can be placed onto your character while using simple input events to communicate to said component.
Teleporters also feature a Destination actor and Destination location and rotation to allow direct teleporter linking.
Teleporting includes custom replicated teleport sounds and timer delays for before and after the teleport completes as well as event dispatchers for starting, finishing, and failure of a teleport event call.
Planned support for VR, Niagara, and realistic portals!!!
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 11
Input: Keyboard and Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Documentation: Notion
*Documentation updated for unreal engine 4.26 – 5.1 : Documentation for 4.26, 4.27, and 5.0.X are the same
*Documentation for UE 5.1.X differs in containing the Enhanced Input System
Support: Discord
Supported Engine Versions
4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.1