A hefty collection of windows and patio doors that are fully rigged, modular, and re-sizable. Each re-sizable asset is attached to a skeletal rig with a bone hierarchy which allows you to proportionately scale their height or width by simply changing the value of a provided variable. This allows for easy non-stretchable scaling without having to modify the models in an external editor.
Provided are the following types of windows:
Window grids are different based on the type of window being utilized. Three types of surround trims are also provided, with extensions that can be scaled to allow for more window ‘depth’. Physics assets are assigned to glass and surround wall assets only, where it made the most sense to have them. Textures and basic materials are provided.
It is important that you refer to the documentation, which explains how you can resize the windows to your liking. Keep in mind some windows have some minor limitations on how they can be resized, specifically the rounded variants.
Need something else for your interior project? Check out my other products in the links below!
Light switches and outlets collection [NA]
Doors, Knobs, and Closet Collection Modular + Extras
Technical Details
Number of Unique Meshes: 70+
Collision: Physics assets (Glass, Surround Walls only)
Vertex Count: 1K – 7k tris per model on average
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 24
Number of Textures: 6
Texture Resolutions: 1K, 2K, 4K, Some limited to one resolution
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Documentation: CLICK HERE
Important/Additional Notes: Please refer to the documentation, as there are some important guidelines to follow when resizing windows and/or patio doors.
Supported Engine Versions
4.27, 5.0 – 5.2