TEASER: there will be update December / January, with new Starfighter version!
Please see pictures: Pictures Gallery
Video added: Flying Demo Map, using Custom Mesh For Starfighter
(Free Sci-Fi Dog mesh by Sinnik: Sketchfab Link)
>>> Update (2022 JULY 12): <<<
* Removed “Apex” destructibles, now using custom fractured actors (turrets, flying drones) for destruction sequences. Also works fine in UE5.
* Much improved object avoidance for Flying AI Drones.
* Improved AI Spawner Blueprint (BP_SpawnerMaster).
* New map, Flying AI avoidance showcase / testing (also a new video from it, link below).
* Removed “3D Text” plugin usage.
New Video: Flying AI testing
MASSIVE UPDATE – “Second Edition” release!
HINT: If you already used Vol.1 previous version, please create “SE” as a separate project, to avoid unwanted overwrites.
Key additions:
* Flying AI enemy robo-drones. “Early version”, will be matured and polished in further updates. Destruction sequences!
* Materials: around 80 mesh-specific materials, with AO and edge effects.
* Combo Materials: allows to combine mesh-specific materials with tiled “filler” textures.
* Several new features for Starfighter, including landing, even on sloped surfaces.
* Customizable free-form trains / roads, with auto-placed pillars (many, many options).
* Linear splines-based constructs (HISMs), for walls, platforms, framing, etc.
* 2D “Flat Placer” for HISMs and Actors, quickly make some buildings areas, techno-landscapes, etc.
* Many new meshes, modules, buildings.
* New Demo Maps, and Overview Maps (see “Maps” subfolder).
* … please see CHANGELOG for more detailed “What’s new”.
TRENCH MAP – FLYING AI DRONES – FLYING CITY V2 – More videos – upcoming!
Important New Controls: “1” – spawn flying AI drones, “K” – kill all turrets, “M” – music on/off, “L” – invert mouse.
Older video:
Version V.1.1 – Version V.1.2 Roads addition
Support and info on future updates: Discord
Low-Poly “technogenic” Sci-Fi landscape, buildings, structures, large spaceships and flyable Sci-Fi combat fighter. Primarily intended as a base for Sci-Fi Flying Action environments, but it is all versatile so can be used in any kinds of Sci-Fi projects.
NEW Update – v.1.2 – now including Modular Roads and accessories assets! (August 17, 2021)
NEW MEGA UPDATE, v1.1 ! Now it is “almost a game template”.
NEW – flyable combat fighter, with interesting in-cockpit features, engine thruster effects, engine sound effects;
NEW – enemy turrets! They shoot at “Player0”, that can be changed in future to targets by tag, etc;
NEW – turret explosions! You might like those… 🙂
Explosions effects base elements made and provided for my projects by Scott McCall.
IMPORTANT: if you add turrets Blueprints to other projects, be sure that Physics Apex Destruction is enabled there.
Materials – several “paneling” materials, windows materials, colors materials, including blinking ones and painted surfaces material. Two kinds of color decals also used on demo levels. Materials are versatile and well documented, surface materials has optional “on/off” switches for red, green and blue light dots, separate scaling for dots and options to change coloring of materials. Of course, there are scaling options as well, and already made material instances for different situations. Windows materials have also rotation option, for horizontal / vertical buildings structures.
Advanced Combat Fighter – cockpit view with free-look, external view with look-around, two camera systems, rear-view and target, basic instrument readings, decorative cycling “sci-fi display”, plasma blasters, engines with thrusters visual and sound effects.
Simpler Flying fighter – cockpit view with free-look, external view with look-around, basic instrument readings, decorative cycling “sci-fi display”, and plasma blasters.
Fighters has non-physics flying, based on Epic’s “flying pawn”.
Fighter’s body has parts separated: cockpit-body, wings, glass canopy, weapons, engine, cockpit displays, flightstick (joystick), pilot chair. Can be easily expanded, modified, for example – cockpit can be a part of bigger ship, etc.
Flying Controls:
Movement: WASD + Mouse (please revert Mouse Y-axis in project inputs, if default is not your style)
Shooting: Mouse Left Click
View change – Key “V” and Mouse Right Click
Free-look (in-cockpit) and Look-around (outside view) – while pressing Mouse Middle Button
Q/E – manual ROLL control
F – Auto-Roll-Back On/Off
Large spaceships – two kinds, with explorable “bays”. Provided also simple Blueprint to make ships move in circles (speed and turn customizable).
Paneling textures and “windows” facades textures generated with customizable Substance PBR materials templates by Brett (Buretto):
Lava Planet texture by Jcises, Sketchfab.
Music tracks included from
Timecrawler 82 – Infinity
Neon Deflector – Outpost X
Custom Font used:
Sizenko Alexander, “Style-7”,
P.S.: there might be a secret area somewhere on Demo Levels…
— Future plans for updates:
* more meshes – more different structures, modular tunnel sections, etc – DONE!
* variations for flying fighter construction – DONE, NEW FIGHTER.
* “cross-hair” – DONE!
* enemy turrets – DONE!
* cool ideas by user requests.
Technical Details
Number of Unique Meshes: more than 100
Collision: Yes. For large tiles it is “complex as simple” (those are very low poly platforms), some meshes has generated collisions, some has custom-made “by hand” collisions.
Vertex Count: 200 – 24000
LODs: Yes, with customized distances
Number of Materials and Material Instances: more than 200
Number of Textures: more than 200
Texture Resolutions: 1024 – 4098
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Not tested
Documentation: Yes, in-project
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3