Insane Video Recorder (IVR) , is a code plug-in designed to help developers, artists and virtual production professionals produce videos in real time using Unreal, without the need to use a video production interface / UI for the creation of Cinematics.
With the evolution of Virtual Video Production methods, more and more such processes are no longer used, to make room for the generation of videos in real time, where the reproductive material is “Collected”, to be used in the production of the video.
Taking into account this evolution occurring in virtual production environments, the IVR Recorder was developed to allow we experiment these conceptual evolutions and have it available on Unreal Engine quickly and easily.
Legacy Content:
Release 2.0 Video: Recording In-Game 2K Video – Racing Game
Example Project(Plugin Not Included): UE4 Racing Game – Adapted for Recording
Packaged Racing Game: Recording with Packaged project – Racing Game
Old Demonstration Videos: Demonstration Videos
Documentation: First Steps with IVR
Support Email:
In this version we have all the obsolete objects removed and a series of new features that make possible spawn a recording camera and finish It, with a better memory management and use some optimizations in the Low Level component.
Now all features are being optimized using OpenCL!
Do not buy this plugin if:
If any of this cases are positive, i recommend you get some training in the UE Foruns avaliable for free before any endeavour with this plugin.
This plugin are NOT for newbies and are avaliable Open Source, so if you are having problems with it, try debbug it and make sure its a problem with the Plugin.
In this way you get experience and knowledge and i not waste my time supporting things not related with the Plugin´s functionalities!
And finally , dont forget you are buying just a software license, not a finished product!
I Allways update and test this software, many functionalities like AI Cameras are experimental and we not have an “State of Art” implementation yet….so check your UE Version before Buy It.
Technical Details
The entire Plugin was developed in C ++ and the functionalities can be easily used in Blueprints.
Number of Blueprints: 1 – IVR_EffectsDesigner
Number of C++ Classes: 5 – IVR_RecordingCamera , IVR_OnCraneCamera , IVR_OnRailCamera , IVR_CameraTrigger
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms: Win64
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64
Important/Additional Notes:
The widget IVR_EffectsDesigner can be used as a tool , but its purpose is to show the image processing functionalities.
Supported Engine Versions
4.26 – 4.27, 5.1 – 5.2