Magic Ice Spells with Sounds

Unique and very useful ICE and Frost Magic Spells with exclusive sounds for your game magic events like magic spawns, area magic attacks, magic shields, destructions, magic explosions, magic strikes etc.

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– 45 awesome magic ICE and FROST spell particles with high quality 54 shaders, 58 texture files.


Single magic spells, magic casts and projectiles, magic explosions, traps, shields and many more. 

Also, as bonus, all particles come with exclusive sound effects.

Included bonus: 45 specifically designed sounds combined in 38 sound cues. Sounds made exclusively for each particle and gives amazing audio effect.

This Pack will make your game explode in a matter of seconds!

Thanks for purchase and rating!

Technical Details

Type of Emitters: GPU, mesh emitters

Number of Unique Effects: 45

LODs: no

Number of Materials: 54 materials, 58 instance materials.

Number of Textures: 58

Number of Blueprints: 12

Number of Unique Meshes: 18

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: yes

Mac: yes

Documentation: Combined Cue using guide in sound folder.

Important/Additional Notes: Created in Cascade system.

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2