UPDATE : support change root folder ( can work on plugins directory )
Compatible with 4.25 or higher . ( Error with 5.1.0 , asset data struct and fonction was change )
Assets cleaner is a tool that allows the cleaning of assets not used in dependencies by your selected assets, it also allows you to clean empty folders and non-assets files of the project.
The operation allows you to find the corresponding dependencies of the selected assets, and therefore to keep only what is useful.
It is used in the case of a project cleanup before export or in the case of creating an asset pack.
The system allows to do this operation at high speed with the least possible risk of crashing the unreal engine editor.
WARNING : The option “Safe Mode” is checked in the software, it allows to avoid false manipulation, so that the deletions are active, uncheck the option.
WARNING, the files once deleted are not recoverable, it is preferable to do this operation on a copy of the project to avoid any risk of data loss.
Technical Details
Rename ( Script ):
Number of Blueprints ( only tools ) : 1
Number of Blueprints ( Rename Script ) : 10
Number of Blueprints ( Widget ) : 26
Number of Blueprints ( Total ) : 39
Input: No required
Network Replicated: No ( Editor tools only )
Supported Development Platforms: All
Important/Additional Notes: Required Unreal engine 4.25 or higher and official plugin ( Free From EpicGames ) :
Tool path : _Cy_EditorToolsCyE_AssetsCleanerCyE_AssetsCleaner
Right click and run Editor Widget utilities
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27