Broken and Burned Trees Pack

Pack of Trees broken, fallen, destroyed and burned – and surrounding environment

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I bring to your attention a new pack of trees – destroyed, broken, and fallen trees. Vegetation and Trees are immensely heavy for modern games to render – this pack will provide you with highly detailed and rich models of fallen trees that are up to the current standard of triple A gaming.

As a technical artist with years of experience on some of the biggest triple A games , I bring you a particular set of skills – optimized and detailed vegetation and trees.

This pack aims to fill a gap in 3D marketplaces – dead/fallen trees.

This is the entire focus – a dead forest .

Use them as part of a bigger scene or to create an focused environment – destruction by man or nature!

16 different models of dead trees and bushes , each one with a specifically made LODs – something I take great care of doing for optimization purposes ! Good looking and aggressive – adjust them to your desired platform or next gen.

Addition to the models you will find – robust materials , with master materials for vegetation and trees (not only dead one) with custom wind , comprehensive landscape master material, very adjustable water master material.

Another bonus is a system of “automatic” burning effect. Plaint on the terrain with a burned material – export a weightmap texture and import it as a Burned Map – automatically every asset placed in the burned zone will get the effect with transition!

The trees and environment are inspired by personal references and are unique – hopefully they will be a powerful tool for many of your projects !

Update 1 : Updated version for Unreal Engine 5, the example scene forest is updated to use Lumen. Materials textures and other adjustments to work properly with new engine features. You no longer need plugins in order for the scene to work, but be aware – to use UE5 Lumen features , you will need RHI set to DX12 in project settings.

I take great care in building optimized assets, materials and environments with full custom LOD meshes and adjustments. up to a triple A games standard .

Technical Details


Number of Unique Meshes: 26

Collision: Yes, custom low poly, with few simple meshes auto convexed.

Triangle Count: Between 10k and 30k for LOD0 (heaviest trees). LODs tuned for 65%/80%/95% reductions

LODs: Yes – custom with distances

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 14 master , 29 instances , 12 functions

Number of Textures: 55

Texture Resolutions: 4096 for most prop texture , 2048 and 1024 for some masks and utility.

Supported Development Platforms:

Video Overview : Link

Important/Additional Notes:

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3