Statue Of Liberty

Liberty Island: production-ready environment for your project!

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Iconic Statue of Liberty with Liberty Island Environment for your game or virtual production!

All textures and materials are unique and made from scratch.

2018 version (Statue of Library Museum is not built yet).

Scene is optimised and runs stable 100+ fps at 1920×1080 with GTX1060. 60fps at 1920×1080 with RayTracing On on 2080Ti. Complete and ready to drop into your project asset.

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Update 1.1: Water shader improved, central square materials improved. Fallen leaves and grass leaks added.

Update 1.2: Curb material improved, additional details added, lightning reworked

Update 1.3: Additional textures added for walls and sidewalks, puddle decals added, lightning reworked and fog added. Volumetric sound effects added.

Update 1.4: First-person player mode added to test map. Collisions improved

Update 1.5: Paving stone meshes fixed

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 190

Unique materials: 101

Unique textures: 252

Collision: Yes

LODs: Yes

Texture Resolutions: Up to 4k (4096×4096) Most of the textures are downscaled to 2048 or 1024, so quality could be incresed even more by just removing maximum texture size limit for hi-end PCs

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Raytracing: supported, but some changes needed due to Unreal Engine Raytracing/WPO problems.

Option 1: Disable Raytracing shadows in Directional Light properties.

Option 2: Open MI_BushLeaves and MI_BushBark and check Disable Wind in both materials. Select all SM_Tree on the level and set Evaluate World Position Offset option to true.

Supported Engine Versions

4.24 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3