Blueprint FileSDK

Simple, easy, and free file and directory management; the way it should be.

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Looking for a plugin to parse your CSV data read in by FileSDK? Checkout our free Blueprint CSV Parsing plugin.

FileSDK is a simple plugin that provides blueprint nodes for disk IO (input/output) operations. The provided nodes will allow you to read, write, copy, and delete files. The plugin also provides nodes for creating, deleting, copying, and searching directories. All this, and more, plus a growing list of capabilities. Check the below features for a detailed list of available nodes.

This plugin is and always will be free. File IO is so basic that I believe it should be free to empower the developer. I will be continuing to add features, and encourage others to provide additional features at the open source repository:

Technical Details



For a full list of blueprint nodes, argument/output descriptions, and copyable blueprint examples, checkout our documentation at


Join us on Discord for bugs, questions, and feature requests:

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOS

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOS supported. Other platforms may work, but are not currently officially supported.

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3