Drone Pack

Physics-based Flying Drone Pack, ready to drag and drop into your project, with wide range of customization and with the ability to TAKE PHOTOS within your game

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This pack is designed to mix a correct simulation of a drone flight in addition to adding the feature of taking photos in full game time. You can configure this ability by activating check, or disable it, you can also switch between the first person view of the drone, as well as a third person view. The package is intuitively designed so you can add your own static Maya-based models.

This package will be updated according to the number of Downloads:

-15 downloads: +1 Drone

-25 downloads: +1 Drone + Basic Pirouettes

-30 downloads: +1 Drone + camera filter

-45 downloads: + Drone + Drone from the Terminator movie + Shooting system

Technical Details

Playable DEMO: https://alianzagames.itch.io/drone-pack-demo

find out the status of the package: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Games-Toys/Alianza-Games-440780592959054/

Platforms: Win 64 Bits, Win 32 bits

Replicated: No

Number of static meshes: 18 SM_

Number of Blueprints: 3 BP_

Number of Materials: 18 M_

Number of Textures: 80 T_

Levels: 1

Blueprint Widgets: 2 BW_

Physics flight system: Yes

Photography system: Yes

The entries to be entered will be the


W = 1

S = -1


D = 1

A = -1


E = 1

C = -1

Look Right

Mouse X = 1

Look up

Mouse Y = -1


Mouse X = 1

Supported Engine Versions

4.24 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2