M4 Carbine Assault Rifle – Loadout Customizer

Assemble a multitude of different M4 variations using the fully Blueprinted and editable Loadout Customizer.

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Get the compatible 1st and 3rd person M4 Rifle Animation Pack.

Let your creativity run free with this awesome Loadout Customizer, featuring the ever versatile M4 Carbine Assault Rifle in 4K quality!

Core Changeable Attachments: Stock, Grip, Magazine, Sight, Handguard, Muzzle Device, Foregrip.

Plus there are multiple variations of rails and flashlight locations.

Built from the ground up, using a single Actor Blueprint and multiple Structs to store information on each attachment. Quickly add-in additional attachment meshes, or remove/swap those you don’t need. One single Widget controls the entire customization process. Allowing you to easily swap out buttons, images, boxes, and sliders for anything you need.

Features the ability to easily save and recall every loadout you create, making it super easy to transfer loadouts between levels.

Update 2:

Update 1:

Blueprints are NOT replicated.

Technical Details

Core Parts:


Number of Unique Meshes: 48 (all Skeletal)

Collision: Yes – Custom

Animated: Yes

Animations: 10

Vertex Count: 532 to 8073 (attachments) 5551 (M4 base)

LODS: 0 – Default

Number of Materials: 15

Number of Material Instances: 14

Number of Textures: 47

Texture Resolutions: 4096×4096, 2048×2048 (M4 & attachments) 80×80, 1000×1000, 4096×4096 (etc.)

Supported Development Platform: PC, MAC, Other

Documentation: Email Support

Important/Additional Notes: Created and tested on a Windows PC

Supported Engine Versions

4.15 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3