n00dFootsteps 2.0

n00dFootsteps is your one-stop shop for your footstep implementation.

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Quick Start


If you love something, set it free!

***NOW FREE AND OPEN SOURCE*** – if you want to help make this asset better, and / or have extended on this plugin in your own project and want to share your code, feel free to contribute to the GitHub Repo (link in Technical Details). Updates will periodically be submitted to the marketplace once enough content is added per version. This asset will ALWAYS be free!

n00dFootsteps 2.0 is your one-stop shop for your replicated footstep implementation. Add this component to any actor and see your footsteps come to life within a few clicks – sound, particles, decals. All while graciously blessing you with PhysMat support. You won’t know what you did without this useful bad boy in your collection. 


This component has it all… plus some!

Get it today!

Technical Details


Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 7

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: Official Website (2.0 Docs COMING SOON)

Important/Additional Notes: You can contribute development of this open source asset at the n00dFootsteps GitHub Repository – this asset will always be free and your contributions to the git repo may just make it into the asset if your code is generic and relevant enough to this toolset. You can also find the blueprint-only previous releases in this repo if you’d prefer using that.

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0