Assets Included:
1 BakeryFloor
1 Butcher Table
1 Large CupCake Platter
1 Large CupCake Box
3 BittenCupCakes
13 Spectacular Cupcakes
Art created by Brotherssmith Studios.
Technical Details
Texture Sizes: (please list resolutions for each texture) 8192
Vertex Count:
SM_BakeryFloor: 262
SM_ButcherTable: 5723
SM_CupCakeBox: 422
SM_Platter: 1300
SM_BittenCupCake_01: 3093
SM_BittenCupCake_02: 2915
SM_BittenCupCake_03: 10,759
SM_CupCake_01: 2116
SM_CupCake_02: 3022
SM_CupCake_03: 3230
SM_CupCake_04: 2351
SM_CupCake_05: 2511
SM_CupCake_06: 4430
SM_CupCake_07: 2500
SM_CupCake_08: 4459
SM_CupCake_09: 2657
SM_CupCake_10: 10,511
SM_CupCake_11: 2727
SM_CupCake_12: 3079
SM_CupCake_13: 2871
LODs: Base LOD only
Numbers of Meshes: 20
Number of Materials and instances:20
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Built Platforms: Window/Mac/PS4/Xbox
Supported Engine Versions
4.17 – 4.25