Click here to take a closer look at the Oak Scene assets
Click here to take a closer look at the Tilia Scene assets
Scenes from the videos are included.
Tilia (Linden) and Oak trees are well known trees that live in the temperate zone. Ranging from streets, parks and forests; they can be found everywhere. These 2 species can also live together.
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Technical Details
Number of Unique Meshes: 174
36 Oak twig
35 Grass Variation (single grass blades included)
24 Dead oak leaf
24 Dead tilia leaf
18 Tilia autumn leaf
18 Tilia twig
6 Bark debris (has high poly version)
6 Oak branch (has high poly version)
1 Oak branch with leaves
1 Grass cluster
1 Grass cluster with lower density
1 Autumn tilia leaf scatter
1 Dead tilia leaf scatter
1 Twig scatter (has high poly version )
1 Oak leaf scatter
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
Vertex Count: 8 – 14547
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials and Material Instances:
4 Master Materials, 16 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 62 (12 for wind effects)
Texture Resolutions: 8196×8196 (Ground texture),4096×4096, Less than 32×32 for the wind effects
Feel free to leave feedback/suggestions!
Supported Engine Versions
4.24 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3