Aida in fire mode, this character is designed for air attacks, so her ankle is a little bit perpendicular to the ground. It is not a problem. By the way, this character was designed to have two kind of shapes, one has an exoskeleton, and one does not, this is so that the character changes to be much stronger when used as a boss. She is much better for a boss, not as good for a player.
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retarget tutorial:
Technical Details
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (No)
Skeleton has the same structure and bone names as Epic Mannequin,some bone positions were adjusted to fit with female poses,you can easily retarget to the Epic skeleton. The original pose is almost similar to UE4 pose, you can directly use the skeleton to retarget other animations if they are UE4 pose.
Animated: No [ just some Epic Third Bp animations]
Number of characters: 2 characters
Vertex counts of characters: 29,690,25,868
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 materials and 8 instances
Number of Textures:26
Texture Resolutions: 4K
Supported Development Platforms: Windows(YES) ,Mac (YES)
Notice:AidaS1 AidaS2 AidaS3 have the same bones, you can assign Skmesh to a same skeleton , then use the same skeleton to do the logic of your game.
Supported Engine Versions
4.22 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3