Get your foliage to react!
This set of blueprints will enable you to turn any painted foliage into a physically reactive object – with minimal work.
The blueprints are optimized for performance, allowing for the immediate area around ANY item implementing the Replace Component to automatically change any instanced foliage into a fully dynamic and reactive one.
The Content Example map will show you a basic implementation on 3 different aspect of game-play:
When coupled to custom collision types this Blueprint system allows for complete control and high performance.
Setup and explanation video
Additionally, the system now includes in-depth Interactivity examples. The same Drag/Drop component style has been used for easy implementation. You can pick up plants, remove them from the landscape, or change them with a custom mesh when the player interacts.
How To on how to set things up:
Technical Details
This product includes:
Number of Blueprints: 15+level BP
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Any
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Supported Engine Versions
4.24 – 4.27