Magic Room

Magic Room. 143+ Meshes and 30 Blueprints. Magic Circle Creator, particles, modular meshes, decal customizer, demo scene, magic liquid, full support for static light, etc.

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Overview video:

Content includes:

The special features of the content include:

NOTE: if the scene is lighter or darker, change the auto-exposure parameters in post-processing.

Technical Details

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes

Texture Size: From 128×128 – 2048×2048

Collision: Yes, custom

Triangle Count: on average 5000 per 0LOD, 2500 per 1LOD, 1500 per 2LOD

LODs: Yes, 2 LODs for each model.

Number of Models: 244

Number of Blueprints: 30

Number of Particles: 6

Number of Material Instances: 134

Number of Master Material: 5

Number of Textures: 533 (includes Base Color, Normal map, RMA)

Platforms Tested: Windows 10 x64

Note: The lighting for the demo scene was built using the GPU plugin. After rebuilding the lighting in the demo scene without the plugin, the result may be different.

Link to the plugin: GPU Lightmass

Find their other work here: Dragon Motion


Supported Engine Versions

4.22 – 4.27, 5.1 – 5.3