Mars Colony Props and Vehicle

The Mars Colony Package comes with a Drivable Vehicle, 14 Props and a realistic Mars Landscape!

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The Mars Colony package comes with a playable rover vehicle, a high detailed rocket, colony habitats and plenty of props to fill your scene.

Each prop has been designed with very high detail, and comes with an average of 3 LOD levels.

This package also comes with a parallax occlusion landscape material which can be easily modified and replaced with your own textures.

The rover comes with 6 wheeled suspension, headlights and brake lights, dust trails, along with an interior camera view mode & an exterior zoomable third person view mode. Please check out the free packaged demo for proper inspection of this package!

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 20

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Vertex Counts:

Rover = 69,000 to 5500 (static mesh is split into parts for culling)

Rocket = 115,500 to 80,700 (split into parts for culling)

Props = 25,000 to 126

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 21

Number of Particles: 1

Number of Textures: 35

Texture Resolutions:

4096 = 35

2048 = 5

1024 = 7

512 = 1

256 = 3

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, (Possibly Mac but it has not been tested)

Documentation: in Blueprints

Supported Engine Versions

4.16 – 4.27