Business NPC

The Business NPC pack is part of the Citizen NPC package. The product comes with a five different business dresses to fill offices and streets of any City.

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The Business NPC pack is a stripped down version of Citizen NPC package. The product comes with a five different business dresses to fill offices and streets of any City.

Multiple SK Itemgroups: hats, hairs, heads, chests are ready to be assembled your own unique Citizen.


Each equipment uses a master material and a mask texture, which allow you to tweak its visual appearance in detail. Each body part can be tweaked manually. A complex shader with Logo tint possibilities is included.


For compatibility to other asset packs (like carrying baggage or reading a journal), the delivered skeletal meshes are skinned to the UE4 skeleton and main- and off-hand pivots are aligned to its hand grip. Main- and off-hand slots are also prepared in the Blueprints to receive your data.


The female Skeleton is based on the default Epic rig with adjusted proportions for more feminine appearance.

All Character types come with suitable hats to create variation between these Characters.

No Facial Animation included.

6x Head and Hair Variations

Businessman: Sako Vest & Shirt Version

Technical Details

Character: 1 Blueprint and 15 example NPC Blueprints

Character Parts

95 SK meshes

~100 PBR Textures: Albedo, normal, ORM (ambient Occlusion, Roughness, and Metallic) and tint masks

98 Materials: Including 4 Master Materials for items and hairs

Maps: 1 Overview

Other: UE4 Mannequin with slightly modified UE4 skeleton (added sockets)

Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Based on Epic Skeleton proportions with sockets for attachments.

Rigged: YES

Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Based on Epic Skeleton proportions with sockets for attachments.

Animated: No Animation included

Number of Characters: 30 parts, 6x Business baseparts + different head, hat and hairvariations

Vertex counts of characters: 10-18k all inkl

Supported Engine Versions

4.23 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3