Technical Details
256Km2 real scale terrain
4x2Km (landscape) playable space
Landscape Heightmap, Color map and Weightmaps from processed satellite data
1 PBR 4k snow textures, 2 PBR 4k rock textures
Multiple parameters for texture variation
Texture Sizes:
Up to 4096
Collision: Yes (automatically generated)
Vertex Count: 2.370.722
Number of Meshes: 2
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 66 Master Materials, 5 Instanced Materials
Number of Textures: 231
Supported Development Platforms: PC/PS4/Xbox One
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC/PS4/Xbox One
Documentation: None
Important/Additional Notes: Please contact me at if you have any question
Supported Engine Versions
4.22 – 4.27