Top Down Stylized Jungle Pack

Stylized jungle environment pack with rocks and foliage to help you build your top-down level in an instant.

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Jungle Environment pack designed for top-down games with a stylized approach. The pack includes cliff faces, rocks, trees and bushes to fill up the scene. The cliff and rock also feature dynamic moss to help blend with the terrain. Example scene is included. 

Technical Details

Pack Includes:

Texture Sizes: All Textures are 1024 x 1024

Collision: Automatically Generated

LODs: No

Number of Meshes: 42

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 6 Materials and 2 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 19

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64bit

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Supported Engine Versions

4.21 – 4.27, 5.0