Potion Brewery Furniture Pack, A 3D asset pack containing 12 meshes and 4 decals ready to be placed straight into your levels.
An environment we made using these assets can be seen here
Each mesh has a custom Material Instance with controls for tinting the colour, increasing the strength of the normal map, and changing the roughness and metalness values.
The decals have all of the above as well as two separate controls for changing the inside and the outside of the Texture.
Not only that, but the package also includes the Material itself so you can make your own Material Instances using those custom controls.
Technical Details
Texture Sizes:
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, Simple Collision
Average Vertex Count: 832 – 148,485
LODs: None
Number of Meshes: 12 Meshes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 Materials, 16 Material instances, and 4 Material functions
Number of Textures: 47
Supported Development Platforms: Desktop
Supported Target Build Platforms: Desktop
Documentation: None Included
Supported Engine Versions
4.21 – 4.25