With a single actor, you can create waves, stages inside waves like holding boss at the end of the wave with data tables.
Video tutorial here
There is no need for any coding or changing anything in your project as all widgets and spawns work completely replicated inside of the wave actor.
With public variables, you can create Trigger Points to trigger waves and create spawn points to define spawn locations as much as you want or you can select use EQS tool in the public variables to create spawn points around the player where they can’t see. You can select use widgets variable to false for situations like begin spawning when entering a room.
With choice every player statics in waves like how much ai they kill, the damage they put or exp they gain with waves can be shown with just two simple functions.
Sample AI included:
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 6
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: All Platforms
Supported Target Build Platforms: All Platforms
Important/Additional Notes: Tutorials will come
Supported Engine Versions