Download Demo project (Win64) Build has Update v5 – Packed from UE4
Download Demo project (Win) Build has old version – Packed from UE5
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This component provides performance boost by optimizing the NPC out of sight of the camera.
The component is completely autonomous — you just need to add it to the AI (NPC) class.
The component works only with the class – Character class. If you have more skeletal meshes in your class (for example: another skeleton hand for a first person or a skeleton mesh for weapons or static meshes (for example, shields or weapons), the component will also work with them.
But component optimizes only the skeleton mesh and movement your NPCs, because this is what loads the system.
Everything else UE optimizes independently.
The NPCs outside of the camera’s field of view (the view frustum) aren’t visible, and can be culled. The rejected NPCs outside the truncated camera view are no longer displayed, leaving only a handful of NPCs within this view.
In online mode, the Component works with the client. All objects that are out of sight still remain in the game world, so if you use a dedicated server, other players will be able to see them. So you get the load on the system only those NPCs that are visible in the frame.
* The system for coloring NPCs in different colors is not included in the product, since the optimization folder is not associated with demo materials. You can do it yourself as shown in the Documentation.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 4
Number of Components: 1
Full 100% Blueprint code
Input: default inputs.
Network Replicated: (Not Working – Single only)
Supported Development Platforms: (Windows, Mac)
Supported Target Build Platforms: (Windows, Mac)
The “ForCorrectWorkingDemoLevel” folder can be deleted if the demo level is not needed in your project.
Supported Engine Versions
4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3