Crates Collection Pack

11 high-quality and customizable crates with PBR materials, most of them tileable.

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11 customizable (4 different types) crates with PBR materials, most of them tileable. The crates can open and close their lids, also the materials have progressive damage control. Ideal for First Person and Third Person Games.

Youtube Video Preview #1 – Showcase of the collection

Youtube Video Preview #2 – Showcase of the cardboard boxes physics

Technical Details

 4 types of crates and boxes:

Texture Sizes:


Collision: Yes, automatically generated.

LODs: 2

Vertex Count (Only the highest vertex count assets are shown here – all other assets have lower vertex count):

BP_caseEquipmentB (LOD 0) – 9892 vertices

BP_caseEquipmentB (LOD 1) – 4946 vertices

BP_woodenBoxA (LOD 0) – 1294 vertices

BP_woodenBoxA (LOD 1) – 647 vertices

BP_shippingCrateB (LOD 0) – 2110 vertices

BP_shippingCrateB (LOD 1) – 1050 vertices

BP_cardboardBoxA (LOD 0) – 526 vertices

Number of Meshes: 28

Number of Skeletal Meshes: 3

Number of Animations: 3

Number of Skeletons: 3

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3/15

Number of Textures: 76

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Xbox, Playstation, Linux, Mac, etc

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Supported Engine Versions

4.15 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2