Version 3.0 now live! View Changelog
This easy to setup and use unreal engine 5 blueprint system provides you with everything you need to create and add items to your game.
Tutorial: Adding Item Storage to Unreal Engine’s Vehicle System
Tutorial: Create an equipable Flashlight with Drainable Battery & Power Level UI
Tutorial: Setup Guide and Usage Tutorials Video
The latest version of this asset includes the following systems to help you progress with your game’s development:
This asset will also handle all of the following for you:
How hard is this system to use?
Getting started is simple, the core of the system can be set up just by adding one component to your player controller. Want to add crafting, just another component to add. The equipment system does require some setup in your pawn, but I will walk you through it step by step in the documentation. I have also included examples of all the systems in the included demo level.
I built this system with beginners in mind. The documentation and setup guide are robust and can be viewed right now. The blueprints are clean and commented. All the functions and variables are easy to identify just by the names, and the important ones have detailed descriptions. These systems are well thought out and loaded with features and customizations.
Want to give it a test drive?
There is a Windows build of the included demo level that you can download and play. Click here to download it right now.
There is a lot here, is this just an asset flip?
This system was built from scratch exclusively for the Unreal Marketplace, this is not an asset flip from a failed project. My goal with this Unreal Engine 5 blueprint system was to create a flexible and easy to use starting point that can be reused and molded to the needs of any game.
I have put over 1,000 hours into this blueprint system. Save yourself the time building out the same exact systems in your games and give mine a try!
Use it as your game’s starting point, or adapt it to your project in part. With the extensive documentation you can also use it as a learning tool or “look under the hood” reference while building out your own systems.
This is an active project, currently up to version 3 and all upgrades have been free for all current owners. More features will continue to be added to this system over time. I also have plans for lots of videos for this version that I will post on my youtube channel.
If you have any questions or trouble using this asset please let me know and I will do my best to help you sort it out. You can email me and I also have a discord server now.
Thanks for checking out my asset and good luck with your game!
About Asset Versions
Not all features are available in the older versions of this asset. View the “Version Compatibility” chart (in the image carousel above) to see what features are available in each version of this asset as well as which versions of Unreal they are compatible with. Version 3 (the latest) of this asset requires at least Unreal 5.1 and will not work in older versions. Version 2 of this asset is still available, and is compatible with 5.1 and 5.2 however it must be obtained by installing it to a version 5.0 project of Unreal then moved over to your 5.1 or 5.2 projects.
Technical Details
The latest version of this asset includes the following systems and
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad
Gamepad Support: Yes
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Documentation: View Documentation
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.3