Flexible, Powerful and easy to use HUD and STATS Component + powerful COMPASS with Markers!
Dedicated Integration Tutorial
I completely revamped this pack! Now your HUD and STATS of your Player can be perfectly managed by this pack. NO MORE HASSLE! ohh and there is a Compass as well!
You have one Component that rules them all.
-Set your Health, Mana, Stamina and Shield and have it regenerate over time.
-Set resistances (Armor) to several diffrent Damage Types
-Open Component! so just code and save abilities in there (Sprinting as an example already included)
and have them scale with Stats when you level up.
-Level up and Experiance System is also inclueded
-A compass with markers easely lets your player find the way
-A function library makes everything as easy to controll as possible. Just type in what you want and it shows up. Change the values and its done! No more need to cast etc, it is all handled behind the scenes
There is probably already more! in there and deffenetely there is more to come!
Anything you yould love to see in there? just shoot me a message and if it firs the Pack i Will include it in the next update 🙂
Complett set of Icons and graphics specifically created for this pack is included!!!
future roadmap includes:
-Pause Menu
-Attached Item HUD
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of Widgets: 16
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.3