Host your voice chat servers for half the price of Vivox. No other services required.
PLEASE Verify yourselves after purchasing so that we know what you are talking about when you ask and assign supporter who is good at specific plugin.
MORE documents and tutorials are available on discord once you join discord too(no need to purchase first)
We currently provide a stun / turn linux servers for the server side by default. If your game server is using other server platform, you can use other VPC service to host its server. If you don’t like the server side we provide, it’s just a stun & turn server, you can use any other stun & turn server implement to replace it.
server side:
With the stun / turn server, you still need to use unreal rpc to transfer the networking info of the clients to connect each other. If you don’t want to use unreal rpc or you are in a situation you can’t use unreal rpc(ex: use possess node), we just made a new solution and waiting for approval. please wait in patient.
Technical Details
Host your voice chat servers for half the price of Vivox.
Some libraries utilized in this plugin are using c++17, so you can’t use android and iOS in UE4 by default. If you have enabled c++17 in UE4, then you can use it. mini IOS version should be iOS 13, mini android API level should be android 25 (tested api level 30 and above).
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 9
Number of C++ Classes: 9
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Mac/iOS/Linux/Android/Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Mac/iOS/Linux/Android/Windows
Important/Additional Notes:
Supported Engine Versions
4.27, 5.0 – 5.3