Cy Urium WebBrowser[UMG]

Cy_Urium ( Unreal Chromium Web Interface ) is a complete interface inspired by the Chromium project for the WebBrowser or any web browser integration in unreal engine .

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Cy_Urium ( Unreal Chromium Web Interface ) is a complete interface inspired by the Chromium project for the WebBrowser or any web browser integration in unreal engine .

Originally produced to be an application in a simulated OS, the project has been turned into a standalone UMG to be available on its own, it is usable in games but also in the editor through a Editor Utilities Widget , and it supports multiple backups.

Currently uses the official unreal engine Web Browser plugin which uses CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework), the interface functionality has been developed according to the CEF plugin possibilities, but it is intended to be easy to modify to do its own integration.

The plugin also supports its own website widget system, the functionality is relatively basic, but it can be easily extended.

Technical Details

Featues :

Number of Blueprints:

Input: Only mouse support 

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Any


Important/Additional Notes: Required Unreal engine 4.25 or higher and official plugin ( Free From EpicGame ) :

Unreal engine version compatibility ;

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3